Facility Search
This is a directory of participating providers in the Incentive Health Provider Access Solution. Participating Tier 1 and Tier 2 providers have agreed to accept the contracted fees as payment in full after any deductible or coinsurance amounts for covered services.
This listing is subject to change.
Although every effort is made to ensure complete and up-to-date provider information, this directory is subject to change without notice. To report provider listing inaccuracies, please contact Provider Relations by sending an e-mail to providerrelations@incentivehealth.org or by calling 833-796-0071 or 661-616-5447.
Please note that listing a provider in this directory does not mean services of the provider are automatically covered. Services must meet the coverage requirements and definitions of your specific plan.
For questions regarding eligibility, benefits, or covered services please contact Customer Service at the phone number located on the plan participant’s identification card.
This directory is for information only and not intended to be a recommendation of any medical provider.
Thank you for accessing the Incentive Health Provider Access Solution.
Although every effort is made to ensure complete and up-to-date provider information, this directory is subject to change without notice. To report provider listing inaccuracies, please contact Provider Relations by sending an e-mail to providerrelations@incentivehealth.org or by calling 833-796-0071 or 661-616-5447.
Please note that listing a provider in this directory does not mean services of the provider are automatically covered. Services must meet the coverage requirements and definitions of your specific plan.